Mission Statement
At San Luis Preschool, our mission is to actively engage children to construct experiences, observe and use their knowledge to discuss and develop learning directions with parents. We are committed to creating a supportive, positive environment where relationships are formed with other children and ensure that all children thrive regardless of their abilities. In keeping with this philosophy, San Luis Preschool understands and adapts to the unique needs of each child to help develop and maintain life-long skills.
Gadsden Elementary School District No. 32
Governing Board Goals & Mission Statement
Our mission statement is to provide high quality educational programs, with an emphasis in the English language, dedicated to promote a promising future for our students. Together, the community and our personnel support this educational mission.
Nuestra Misión
Nuestra misión es la de proveer programas educativos de alta calidad, con énfasis en el idioma inglés, dedicados a fomentar un futuro prometedor para nuestros alumnos. Unidos, la comunidad y nuestro personal docente apoyamos esta misión educativa